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September 1, 2020

《 陽光海南 度假天堂 》Sunny Hainan Holiday Paradise

Sunny Hainan Holiday Paradise

As the only tropical province in China, Hainan is blessed with a charming tropical island landscape and a pleasant climate, contributing to its unique folklore and culture. It is known as a Chinese all-season garden and a holiday resort for all Chinese.

Hainan is a wonderful place to travel, and play as well. With tropical forests to walk in, mountains covered with plants to climb, deep sea to dive, clear water to swim ,and health spas to dip into, this attractive island boosts its own feature. Hainan is gaining wider popularity as a hot tourism resort among foreign tourists who come to enjoy the sunshine and avoid the winter chill.

Duration:5 minutes

                                                  陽光海南  度假天堂

海南省做為中國唯一地處熱帶的省份,擁有迷人的熱帶風光和怡人的熱帶氣候,同時還有海南島特有的民俗文化和風土人情,被喻爲中國的四季花園和度假勝地。 陽光海南是名副其實的度假天堂,無論你是在熱帶植物覆蓋的雨林里徒步、在蔚藍的海底潜水,還是在清澈的海水里暢游,在溫泉里洗浴,這些海南島的特有的景致都會帶個你無盡的快樂。越來越多的旅游者選擇海南度假,享受陽光沙灘,驅趕冬日的嚴寒

時長: 5 分鐘