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September 1, 2020

《中國上海》Shanghai China

 Shanghai China

Shanghai is a renowned international metropolis drawing more and more attention from all over the world. Situated on the estuary of Yangtze River, Shanghai serves as the most influential economic, financial, international trade, cultural, science and technology center in East China. Also it is a popular tourist destination; visitors can sense the pulsating development of modern China.

Shanghai offers many spectacular views and different perspectives, ancient and modern, Eastern and Western. Entering Shanghai, you will immediately be overwhelmed by its colors, its futuristic skyscrapers and its convenient public transport.

Duration: 5’59’’


作爲聞名遐邇的國際大都市,上海正越來越吸引著世界的目光。座落在長江入海口的上海市,是中國東部最俱影響力的經濟,金融,國際商貿和文化科教中心,同時,它還是著名的旅游熱點城市,旅游者們可以在此親自感受現代中國的脉動。這座東西方文化交滙,古典与現代融合的國際化大都市, 其完備的旅游設施、便捷的交通體系給到訪上海的海內外游客留下了美好的印象。
