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September 1, 2020

《北京風情》Beijing Impressions

Beijing Impressions

           According to the historical records, as early as in the 11th century B.C., Beijing was the capital of a small state of the Western Zhou Dynasty (c.11th century—770 B.C.). Over the following 3,000 years or so, Beijing served as the capital for many dynasties. After the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949, Beijing was designated as the capital of New China. Now Beijing is the political, economic, communications and culture center of China. Thousands of years of history and changes in society have brought together in Beijing the splendors of China’s traditional culture and arts, making Beijing home to many important historical and cultural sites. Today, a modern lifestyle has become blended into the food, clothing, homes and methods of transportation of the people, all part of a harmonious atmosphere. Ancient Beijing today is full of energy and vitality.

      Duration: 28 minutes


       據文獻記載,早在公元前十一世紀中國歷史上的西周(公元11世紀——公元前770年)時期, 就有分封國在北京這塊土地上建立都城。此後三千多年間,又有多個王朝定都與此。一九四九年新中國成立後,北京成為新中國的首都。如今,北京已成為中國的政治、經濟、交通和文化的中心。數千年的歷史風雲和社會變遷使北京薈萃了燦爛的中國傳統文化藝術,留下了許多名勝古蹟和人文景觀。如今,現代生活方式在包容的氛圍中融入了人們的衣食住行,古老的北京充滿充滿了生機與活力。

時長:28 分鐘