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April 30, 2020



      在中國古代的北魏時期,民女花木蘭替父從軍的故事廣為流傳。影片就是根據這一歷史故事改編。初入軍營,木蘭精湛的武藝引起了副營長文泰的注意, 但身份的危機卻一步步逼近木蘭……。文泰和木蘭並肩作戰,皆晉升為將,但相處中,兩人漸生情愫,本以為有情人終成眷屬,沒想到皇帝為了停止這場戰爭,決心讓文泰和公主和親…… 。




Hua Mulan

Hua Mulan was a heroine who disguised herself as a man to stand in for her father and joined the army in the Northem Wei Dynasty. That well-known story has been adapted for this movie.

Mulan’s commander Wentai was impressed by Mulan’s martial skills when she first joined. However, Mulan’s  secret identity fell into increasing danger of being uncovered. Mulan and Wentai fought the enemy together  and were both promoted. As time went on, they came to have a tender feeling for each other. Nevertheless, their dream of tying the knot was broken up by the emperor who decided to marry has daughter to Wentai in order to end the war.

Duration: 119 mins

Director: MA Chucheng

Cast: ZHAO Wei, CHEN Kun, HU Jun, Jaycee Chan