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May 1, 2020

《相約北京2000》Meet in Beijing in 2000

Meet in Beijing in 2000

With the new millennium drawing near, people in Beijing are beginning to celebrate the new century together with artists from dozens of the other countries. During late spring and early summer, art troupes from overseas come to Beijing to give performances on the same stage and the Chinese viewers are lucky to watch performances from abroad right here at home. While in Beijing, foreign artists have an opportunity to tour the Temple of Heaven, the Forbidden City, the Summer Palace and many other historic sites. People sing and dance in the former imperial gardens. The film shows the memorable experience the visiting artists had during their month long stay in Beijing.


            隨著千禧年的臨近,在北京,人們開始與來自不同國家的演出者們一起慶祝新世紀的到來。晚春初夏時節, 來自海外的藝術團體同聚北京同台獻藝, 讓中國觀眾有幸在自己家門口觀看來自海外的表演。外國演出者們在北京也有機會遊覽天壇、故宮、頤和園和許多歷史古跡。人們在前清御花園中唱歌跳舞。本片展示了訪京藝術家們在北京逗留期間的難忘經歷。

時長:26 分鐘