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August 31, 2020

《中國天鵝――烏梁素海之夏》Chinese Swan—TheWuliangsu Lake in Summer

Chinese Swan—TheWuliangsu Lake in Summer

Situated in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, North China.Wuliangsu Lake is one of the eight largest freshwater lakes in China. Covering an area of square kilometers, it is a rare big lake in this desolate and drought-stricken grassland. As the biggest wetlands at this latitude on the planet, Wuliangsu Lake has been included in the catalogue of “Wetlands of International Importance.” The unique geographical situation has made this lake a paradise for swans. In summer, these beautiful creatures breed here. The lake is energized as baby swans emerge from their shells.

Duration: 25 minutes


            位於中國北部內蒙古自治區的烏梁素海,總面積約300平方公里,是中國八大淡水湖之一,也是全球範圍內乾旱草原及荒漠地區極為少見淡大型湖泊,也是地球同一緯度最大的濕地,被列入《國際重要濕地名錄》。獨特的地理環境, 使這裏成為天鵝棲息的天堂。進入夏季,美麗的大天鵝盡心盡力孵化小天鵝,待到他們破殼爾出的那一刻,烏梁素海一片生機勃勃。
