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May 1, 2020

《中國名街》Famous Streets of China Series

Famous Streets of China Series

In June 2009, ten famous Chinese streets, all in different provinces, were included on a list of “Historical and Cultural Streets in China”. The aim, in compiling the list, was to promote the protection of key cultural sites in the country’s cities. The ten “Famous Streets” are Guozijian Street in Beijing, South Avenue in Pingyao County, Central Avenue in Harbin, Pingjiang Road in Suzhou, Tunxi Old Street in Huangshan, Three Lanes and Seven Valleys in Fuzhou, Badaguan in Qingdao, Zhaode Ancient Street in Qingzhou, Qilou Old Street in Haikou, and Bakuo Street in Lhasa.

Part 1: Bakuo Street in Lhasa

Part 2: Pingjiang Road in Suzhou

Duration: 80 minutes

Part 3: Zhaode Ancient Street in Qingzhou

Part 4: South Avenue in Pingyao County

Duration: 80 minutes

Part 5: Badaguan in Qingdao

Part 6: Tunxi Old Street in Huangshan

Duration: 80 minutes

Part 7: Three Lanes and Seven Valleys in Fuzhou

Part 8: Central Avenue in Harbin

Duration: 79 minutes

Part 9: Qilou Old Street in Haikou

Part 10: Guozijian Street in Beijing

Duration: 79minutes


                2009年5月, 經中華人民共和國文化部、國家文物局批准, 中國文化報社、中國文物報社聯合主辦的首屆「中國歷史文化名街」評選推介活動揭曉, 北京國子監等十條老街入選。


第一集: 拉薩八廓街

第二集: 蘇州平江路


第三集: 守望傳統的青州昭德古街

第四集: 平遙南大街


第五集: 青島八大關:

第六集: 黃山屯溪老街


第七集: 福州三坊七巷

第八集: 哈爾濱中央大街


第九集: 海口騎樓老街

第十集: 北京国子监街
