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May 1, 2020

《七彩下天山》Colors of Mount. Tianshan

Colors of Mount. Tianshan

The Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region is located in Northwest China. With an area of more than 1.6 million square kilometers, Xinjiang is the largest provincial-level administrative region in China. Xinjiang, being far away from the seas and oceans and surrounded by high mountains, has its peculiar climatic characteristics and marvelous geographical features. That is to say, lakes lie adjacent to Gobis; ice-capped mountains stand side by side with parched lands; and deserts and oases coexist. There are a large number of rare and valuable birds and animals, as well as plants and flowers living and growing in the mountains and jungles, rivers and streams, lakes and marshes and grasslands where few people have ever visited. There is in Xinjiang an ancient Silk Road stretching more than 5,000 kilometers with numerous historical and cultural Xinjiang where people of over 40 nationalities live a colorful life in northern and southern areas of Mountains.

Duration: 10 minutes


            新疆維吾爾自治區位於中國西北部,面積160多萬平方公里,是中國面積最大的省級行政區。遠離海洋同時被高山環繞造就了新疆獨特的氣候特徴與奇絕的地理風貌: 湖泊與戈壁為鄰, 冰峰與火洲競秀, 沙漠與綠洲共存。大量珍禽異獸和名木佳卉棲息在人跡罕至的深山密林、河流湖沼、草原荒灘上。新疆境內存有長達5000多公里古絲綢之路的幹綫, 留下了無數富有西域特色的傳奇人文景觀。壯闊的天山橫亙中部,四十多個民族沿著南北兩側演繹出色彩斑斕的生活。

時長: 10分鐘