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August 27, 2020

《中國舞獅》Chinese Lion Dance

Chinese Lion Dance

As people of Chinese origin continue settling into different parts of the world, the lion dance has become known to foreigners as one of the most glittering symbols of Chinese civilization. Though lions are praised as the “King of beasts” and a symbol that brings auspiciousness and exorcizes evil spirits within Chinese culture, lions were actually introduced into China more than two thousand years ago. Over thecourse of Chinese history the image of the lion has made its transition from the imperial court to lives of ordinary people, with the lion becoming very popular among Chinese people.

With the introduction of the lion came lion training dances. The lion dance has gradually evolved into a folk activity incorporating the elements of Chinese religious beliefs, art, acrobatics and martial arts. The Chinese lion dance is classified into two categories– the Northern lion and the Southern lion – according to their different geographic locations and traditions. The Southern lion and the Northern lion each have distinctive features and extraordinary charm. Today, in a series of grand events both at home and abroad, the wonderful lion dance demonstrates the undaunted perseverance of the Chinese people.

Duration: 28 min


隨著華人在全球分布的日益廣泛,舞獅已成為外國人眼中中華文明的符號之一。然而被譽爲百獸之王、在中國人心目中象徵著如意吉祥, 驅魔辟邪的獅子,却是在兩千多年前由國外傳入的。在漫長的歷史中,獅子由宮廷至民間,深受人們喜愛。隨著獅子的落戶,訓獅舞也一起流入中國,並逐漸演化為融合了中國宗教、藝術、雜技、武術的綜合性民俗活動。中國獅舞按地域喝傳統劃分為南獅喝北獅,南北兩派各具特色,異綵紛呈。如今,在國內外一系列盛會上,精彩的舞獅向世人展示著中華民族不畏艱險、自强不息的精神。
