Chinese Architecture
In material culture, constructions can exactly reflect aesthetic perception and cultural tradition of a country and nation. In retrospect of the original genesis of magnificent constructions, we have discovered the particular concept of the “home” as follows: The homes for civilians and imperial families, homes for mentalities and emotions, and homes for religions and faiths… These homes have experienced changes of thousands of years in history. They have shown their colorful varieties with the nourishments of national traditions and customs in different geographical environments. They not only represent outstanding achievements in architecture and aesthetics, but also embody local cultural features and philosophical thoughts of the time in those building materials. Aesthetic enlightenment derived from constructions is handed down in details from generation to generation.
Duration: 60 min
在物質文化中,建築很能體現一個國家和民族的審美意識和文化傳統。追溯那些恢宏的營造最初的緣起,我們找到了“家”的概念: 百姓與帝王之家,精神与情感之家、宗教与信仰之家……這些家園在中國數千年的歷史變遷里,在幅員遼闊、風格迥異的地理環境中,在多姿多彩的民族風情的滋養下盛開出五色斑斕的花朵,不僅取得了建築學和美學上的杰出成就,也將當時當地的人文思想與哲學觀念凝固在那些磚石土木里,用細節將美的啓示代代相傳。